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StarFest 2014 Schedule

Karl Brevik

CareActor Select
Colorado Springs, Colorado
I raced the sunset and I almost won. Guardian of the Blue River... Captain of the Norse Force... Viking it and liking it... Gangster Viking... Really just a big 6' tall Muppet. I am a fearsome Viking, but am not completely uncivilized. The other Vikings make fun of me for that. I have a thirst for battle, and tend to strike first and think later. As a Viking, I am one of the "berserkers", and rush into battle with no clothes on. If the sight of me naked isn't enough to disable the enemy, my sword certainly will be. I have a fairly pragmatic attitude towards life, and tend not to expend effort in areas where it would be wasted. Other people tend to think of me as manipulative and conniving. (Thanks Viking Personality Generator!) You are a Knight! You are extremely loyal and honorable, though not to be taken lightly. Your skills with all melee weapons are exception and second to none! Seasoned on the battlefield you have taken many lives which you repent and ask God for forgiveness. You are somewhat religious and do not like killing, though you know it has to be done to survive. You are very wealthy and believe in Chivalry, also you are most likely a ladies man. Ladies love battle scars. Karl completed the quiz "What would you be in the Star Wars universe?" with the result Bounty Hunter. Bounty hunters specialize in tracking down and apprehending criminals; sometimes with lethal force. You are fiercely independent, well-arme...d, and very dangerous. You have the ultimate freedom of taking the law into your own hands and with bounty hunters, the end usually justifies the means. Good. Bad. It doesn't really matter as long as you get paid.. You are a wolf - one of the strongest and respected animals there are throughout history. The wolf is a determined, tough, and versatile creature found in almost any environment: from mountains to deserts to prairies. Although the wolf personality can represent the strength and ability that comes from a lone wolf, this is actually quite rare. Most of the time wolves, like in nature, thrive and survive in packs, coordinating in an organized manner within their society. Wolves also tend to often have many close and loyal friends around them to back them up in times of need just as they stand behind those they care about. In relationships, most wolves also remain faithful to their partner and maintain a strong friendship no matter what happens - they generally keep in contact with their past lovers and never forget the bond they have as companions. The wolf inspires strength, loyalty, and faith in others even in the darkest times. They are strong, deep-thinking, loyal personalities and can always be counted on in the end. If you look into a person with a wolf-like spirit, you realize that they have deep and powerful eyes that are hard to discern what they are thinking about or feeling. Wolves often may not show emotion as much as others, but inside lingers much thought and feeling. Howling at the full moon as the gentle breeze flows across the mountain side, the wolf reminds everyone to stand strong even in the darkest of nights.